Source code for medil.graph

"""Various types and representations of graphs."""
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng

[docs] class UndirectedDependenceGraph(object): r"""Adjacency matrix representation using a 2d numpy array. Upon initialization, this class is fairly standard implementation of an undirected graph. However, upon calling the :meth:`make_aux` method, an auxilliary data structure in the form of several new attributes is created, which are used by :meth:`medil.ecc_algorithms.find_clique_min_cover` according to the algorithm in :cite:`Gramm_2009`. Attributes ---------- Notes ----- The algorithms for finding the minMCM via ECC contain many algebraic operations, so adjacency matrix representation (via NumPy) is most covenient. The diag is used to store information when the graph is reduced, not to indicate self loops, so it is important that diag = 1 at init. """
[docs] def __init__(self, adj_matrix, verbose=False): # doesn't behave well unless input is nparray self.adj_matrix = adj_matrix self.num_vertices = np.trace(adj_matrix) self.max_num_verts = len(adj_matrix) self.num_edges = np.triu(adj_matrix, 1).sum() self.verbose = verbose
[docs] def add_edges(self, edges): v_1s = edges[:, 0] v_2s = edges[:, 1] self.adj_matrix[v_1s, v_2s] = 1 self.adj_matrix[v_2s, v_1s] = 1 self.num_edges = np.triu(self.adj_matrix, 1).sum()
[docs] def rm_edges(self, edges): v_1s = edges[:, 0] v_2s = edges[:, 1] self.adj_matrix[v_1s, v_2s] = 0 self.adj_matrix[v_2s, v_1s] = 0 self.num_edges = np.triu(self.adj_matrix, 1).sum()
[docs] def make_aux(self): # this makes the auxilliary structure described in INITIALIZATION in the paper # find neighbourhood for each vertex # each row corresponds to a unique edge max_num_edges = self.n_choose_2(self.max_num_verts) self.common_neighbors = np.zeros( (max_num_edges, self.max_num_verts), int ) # init # mapping of edges to unique row idx triu_idx = np.triu_indices(self.max_num_verts, 1) nghbrhd_idx = np.zeros((self.max_num_verts, self.max_num_verts), int) nghbrhd_idx[triu_idx] = np.arange(max_num_edges) # nghbrhd_idx += nghbrhd_idx.T self.get_idx = lambda edge: nghbrhd_idx[edge[0], edge[1]] # reverse mapping u, v = np.where(np.triu(np.ones_like(self.adj_matrix), 1)) self.get_edge = lambda idx: (u[idx], v[idx]) # compute actual neighborhood for each edge = (v_1, v_2) self.nbrs = lambda edge: np.logical_and( self.adj_matrix[edge[0]], self.adj_matrix[edge[1]] ) extant_edges = np.transpose(np.triu(self.adj_matrix, 1).nonzero()) self.extant_edges_idx = np.fromiter( {self.get_idx(edge) for edge in extant_edges}, dtype=int ) extant_nbrs = np.array([self.nbrs(edge) for edge in extant_edges], int) extant_nbrs_idx = np.array([self.get_idx(edge) for edge in extant_edges], int) # from paper: set of N_{u, v} for all edges (u, v) self.common_neighbors[extant_nbrs_idx] = extant_nbrs # number of cliques for each node? assignments? if we set diag=0 # num_cliques = common_neighbors.sum(0) # sum() of submatrix of graph containing exactly the rows/columns # corresponding to the nodes in common_neighbors(edge) using # logical indexing: # make mask to identify subgraph (closed common neighborhood of # nodes u, v in edge u,v) mask = lambda edge_idx: np.array(self.common_neighbors[edge_idx], dtype=bool) # make subgraph-adjacency matrix, and then subtract diag and # divide by two to get num edges in subgraph---same as sum() of # triu(subgraph-adjacency matrix) but probably a bit faster nbrhood = lambda edge_idx: self.adj_matrix[mask(edge_idx)][:, mask(edge_idx)] max_num_edges_in_nbrhood = ( lambda edge_idx: (nbrhood(edge_idx).sum() - mask(edge_idx).sum()) // 2 ) # from paper: set of c_{u, v} for all edges (u, v) self.nbrhood_edge_counts = np.array( [ max_num_edges_in_nbrhood(edge_idx) for edge_idx in np.arange(max_num_edges) ], int, )
# important structs are: # self.common_neighbors # self.nbrhood_edge_counts # # and fun is # self.nbrs
[docs] @staticmethod def n_choose_2(n): return n * (n - 1) // 2
[docs] def reducible_copy(self): return ReducibleUndDepGraph(self)
[docs] def convert_to_nde(self, name="temp"): with open(name + ".nde", "w") as f: f.write(str(self.max_num_verts) + "\n") for idx, node in enumerate(self.adj_matrix): f.write(str(idx) + " " + str(node.sum()) + "\n") for v1, v2 in np.argwhere(np.triu(self.adj_matrix)): f.write(str(v1) + " " + str(v2) + "\n")
[docs] class ReducibleUndDepGraph(UndirectedDependenceGraph):
[docs] def __init__(self, udg): self.unreduced = udg.unreduced if hasattr(udg, "unreduced") else udg self.adj_matrix = udg.adj_matrix.copy() self.num_vertices = udg.num_vertices self.num_edges = udg.num_edges self.the_cover = None self.verbose = udg.verbose # from auxilliary structure if needed if not hasattr(udg, "get_idx"): udg.make_aux() self.get_idx = udg.get_idx # need to also update these all when self.cover_edges() is called? already done in rule_1 self.common_neighbors = udg.common_neighbors.copy() self.nbrhood_edge_counts = udg.nbrhood_edge_counts.copy() # update when cover_edges() is called, actually maybe just extant_edges? self.extant_edges_idx = udg.extant_edges_idx.copy() self.nbrs = udg.nbrs self.get_edge = udg.get_edge if hasattr(udg, "reduced_away"): # then rule_3 wasn't applied self.reduced_away = udg.reduced_away
[docs] def reset(self): self.__init__(self.unreduced)
[docs] def reduzieren(self, k_num_cliques): # reduce by first applying rule 1 and then repeatedly applying # rule 2 or rule 3 (both of which followed by rule 1 again) # until they don't apply if self.verbose: print("\t\treducing:") self.k_num_cliques = k_num_cliques self.reducing = True while self.reducing: self.reducing = False self.rule_1() self.rule_2() if self.k_num_cliques < 0: return if self.reducing: continue self.rule_3()
[docs] def rule_1(self): # rule_1: Remove isolated vertices and vertices that are only # adjacent to covered edges isolated_verts = np.where(self.adj_matrix.sum(0) + self.adj_matrix.sum(1) == 2)[ 0 ] if len(isolated_verts) > 0: # then Rule 1 is applied if self.verbose: print("\t\t\tapplying Rule 1...") # update auxilliary attributes; LEMMA 2 self.adj_matrix[isolated_verts, isolated_verts] = 0 self.num_vertices -= len(isolated_verts) # decrease nbrhood edge counts for vert in isolated_verts: open_nbrhood = self.unreduced.adj_matrix[vert].copy() open_nbrhood[vert] = 0 idx_nbrhoods_to_update = np.where(self.common_neighbors[:, vert] == 1)[ 0 ] tiled = np.tile( open_nbrhood, (len(idx_nbrhoods_to_update), 1) ) # instead of another loop to_subtract = np.logical_and( tiled, self.common_neighbors[idx_nbrhoods_to_update] ).sum(1) self.nbrhood_edge_counts[idx_nbrhoods_to_update] -= to_subtract # my own addition: # self.nbrhood[:, vert] = 0 # remove isolated_verts from common neighborhoods self.common_neighbors[:, isolated_verts] = 0
# max_num_edges = self.n_choose_2(self.unreduced.max_num_verts) # mask = lambda edge_idx: np.array(self.common_neighbors[edge_idx], dtype=bool) # # make subgraph-adjacency matrix, and then subtract diag and # # divide by two to get num edges in subgraph---same as sum() of # # triu(subgraph-adjacency matrix) but probably a bit faster # nbrhood = lambda edge_idx: self.adj_matrix[mask(edge_idx)][:, mask(edge_idx)] # max_num_edges_in_nbrhood = lambda edge_idx: (nbrhood(edge_idx).sum() - mask(edge_idx).sum()) // 2 # # from paper: set of c_{u, v} for all edges (u, v) # self.nbrhood_edge_counts = np.array([max_num_edges_in_nbrhood(edge_idx) for edge_idx in np.arange(max_num_edges)], int) # # assert (nbrhood_edge_counts==self.nbrhood_edge_counts).all() # # print(nbrhood_edge_counts, self.nbrhood_edge_counts) # # need to fix!!!!!!!! update isn't working; so just recomputing for now # # # # # # # # but actually update produces correct result though recomputing doesn't?
[docs] def rule_2(self): # rule_2: If an uncovered edge {u,v} is contained in exactly # one maximal clique C, i.e., the common neighbors of u and v # induce a clique, then add C to the solution, mark its edges # as covered, and decrease k by one score = self.n_choose_2(self.common_neighbors.sum(1)) - self.nbrhood_edge_counts # score of n implies edge is in exactly n+1 maximal cliques, # so we want edges with score 0 clique_idxs = np.where(score[self.extant_edges_idx] == 0)[0] if clique_idxs.size > 0: clique_idx = clique_idxs[-1] if self.verbose: print("\t\t\tapplying Rule 2...") clique = self.common_neighbors[self.extant_edges_idx[clique_idx]].copy() self.the_cover = ( clique.reshape(1, -1) if self.the_cover is None else np.vstack((self.the_cover, clique)) ) self.cover_edges() self.k_num_cliques -= 1 self.reducing = True
# start the loop over so Rule 1 can 'clean up' # self.common_neighbors[clique_idxs[0]] = 0 # zero out row, to update struct? not in paper?
[docs] def rule_3(self): # rule_3: Consider a vertex v that has at least one # prisoner. If each prisoner is connected to at least one # vertex other than v via an uncovered edge (automatically # given if instance is reduced w.r.t. rules 1 and 2), and the # prisoners dominate the exit,s then delete v. To reconstruct # a solution for the unreduced instance, add v to every clique # containing a prisoner of v. for vert, nbrhood in enumerate(self.adj_matrix): if nbrhood[vert] == 0: # then nbrhood is empty continue exits = np.zeros(self.unreduced.max_num_verts, bool) nbrs = np.flatnonzero(nbrhood) for nbr in nbrs: if (nbrhood.astype(int) - self.adj_matrix[nbr].astype(int) == -1).any(): exits[nbr] = True # exits[j] == True iff j is an exit for vert # prisoners[j] == True iff j is a prisoner of vert prisoners = np.logical_and(~exits, self.adj_matrix[vert]) prisoners[vert] = False # a vert isn't its own prisoner # check if each exit is adjacent to at least one prisoner prisoners_dominate_exits = self.adj_matrix[prisoners][:, exits].sum(0) if prisoners_dominate_exits.all(): # apply the rule self.reducing = True if self.verbose: print("\t\t\tapplying Rule 3...") # mark edges covered so rule_1 will delete vertex edges = np.array( [ [vert, u] for u in np.flatnonzero(self.adj_matrix[vert]) if vert != u ] ) edges.sort() # so they're in triu, so that self.get_idx works self.cover_edges(edges) # keep track of deleted nodes and their prisoners for reconstructing solution if not hasattr(self, "reduced_away"): self.reduced_away = np.zeros_like(self.adj_matrix, bool) self.reduced_away[vert] = prisoners break
[docs] def choose_nbrhood(self): # only compute for existing edges common_neighbors = self.common_neighbors[self.extant_edges_idx] nbrhood_edge_counts = self.nbrhood_edge_counts[self.extant_edges_idx] score = self.n_choose_2(common_neighbors.sum(1)) - nbrhood_edge_counts # idx in reduced idx list, not from full edge list chosen_edge_idx = score.argmin() mask = common_neighbors[chosen_edge_idx].astype(bool) chosen_nbrhood = self.adj_matrix.copy() chosen_nbrhood[~mask, :] = 0 chosen_nbrhood[:, ~mask] = 0 if chosen_nbrhood.sum() <= mask.sum(): raise ValueError("This nbrhood has no edges") return chosen_nbrhood
[docs] def cover_edges(self, edges=None): if edges is None: # always call after updating the cover; only on single, recently added clique if self.the_cover is None: return # self.adj_matrix # change edges to 0 if they're covered clique = self.the_cover[-1] covered = np.where(clique)[0] # trick for getting combinations from idx comb_idx = np.triu_indices(len(covered), 1) # actual pairwise combinations; ie all edges (v_i, v_j) covered by the clique covered_edges = np.empty((len(comb_idx[0]), 2), int) covered_edges[:, 0] = covered[comb_idx[0]] covered_edges[:, 1] = covered[comb_idx[1]] else: covered_edges = edges # cover (remove from reduced_graph) edges self.rm_edges(covered_edges) # update extant_edges_idx rmed_edges_idx = [self.get_idx(edge) for edge in covered_edges] extant_rmed_edges_idx = [ edge for edge in rmed_edges_idx if edge in self.extant_edges_idx ] idx_idx = np.array( [np.where(self.extant_edges_idx == idx) for idx in extant_rmed_edges_idx], int, ).flatten() self.extant_edges_idx = np.delete(self.extant_edges_idx, idx_idx) # now here do all the updates to nbrs?----actually probably don't want this? see 2clique house example # update self.common_neighbors # self.common_neighbors[rmed_edges_idx] = 0 # zero out rows covered edges; maybe not necessary, since common_neighbors is (probably?) only called with extant_edges_idx? if self.verbose: print("\t\t\t{} uncovered edges remaining".format(self.num_edges))
# if edges is None: # cover_orig = self.the_cover # while self.the_cover.shape[0] > 1: # self.the_cover = self.the_cover[:-1] # self.cover_edges() # self.the_cover = cover_orig
[docs] def reconstruct_cover(self, the_cover): if not hasattr(self, "reduced_away"): # then rule_3 wasn't applied return the_cover # add the reduced away vert to all covering cliques containing at least one of its prisoners to_expand = np.flatnonzero(self.reduced_away.sum(1)) for vert in to_expand: prisoners = self.reduced_away[vert] tiled_prisoners = np.tile( prisoners, (len(the_cover), 1) ) # instead of another loop cliques_to_update_mask = ( np.logical_and(tiled_prisoners, the_cover).sum(1).astype(bool) ) the_cover[cliques_to_update_mask, vert] = 1 return the_cover
# class MCM(object): # TODO: implement as large DAG adj matrix over L and M, or smaller bigraph for L-M connections and DAG adj matirx for L->L connections