Source code for medil.sample

"""Generate random minimum MeDIL causal model graph or parameters."""
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from numpy.random import default_rng

from .models import GaussianMCM
from .ecc_algorithms import find_clique_min_cover

[docs] def mcm( rng: np.random.Generator = default_rng(0), parameterization: str = "Gaussian", biadj: npt.NDArray = np.array([]), **kwargs, ) -> GaussianMCM: if biadj.size == 0: biadj = _biadj(**kwargs) if parameterization == "Gaussian": mcm = GaussianMCM(biadj=biadj) params = mcm.parameters num_edges = biadj.sum() weights = (rng.random(num_edges) * 1.5) + 0.5 weights[rng.choice((True, False), num_edges)] *= -1 params.biadj_weights = np.zeros_like(biadj, float) params.biadj_weights[biadj] = weights num_meas = biadj.shape[1] params.error_means = rng.random(num_meas) * 2 params.error_means[rng.choice((True, False), num_meas)] *= -1 params.error_variances = (rng.random(num_meas) * 1.5) + 0.5 elif parameterization == "VAE": raise (NotImplementedError) else: raise ValueError(f"Parameterization '{parameterization}' is invalid.") return mcm
[docs] def biadj( num_meas: int, density: float = 0.2, one_pure_child: bool = True, num_latent: int = 0, rng: np.random.Generator = default_rng(0), ) -> npt.NDArray: """Randomly generate biadjacency matrix for graphical minMCM.""" if one_pure_child: """Define a maximum independent set of size `num_latent`, and then grow these into a minimum edge clique cover with average max clique size `2 + (num_meas - num_latent) * density`.""" if num_latent == 0: num_latent = rng.integers(1, num_meas) if density is None: density = rng.random() # specify pure children/independent set biadj = np.zeros((num_latent, num_meas), bool) biadj[:, :num_latent] = np.eye(num_latent) # every child gets a parent; specifically L_0, until the # within-column perm below using np.permuted biadj[0, num_latent:] = True # randomly fill in remaining density * (num_meas - num_latent) # * (num_latent - 1) edges max_num_edges = (num_meas - num_latent) * (num_latent - 1) num_edges = np.round(max_num_edges * density).astype(int) edges = np.zeros(max_num_edges, bool) edges[:num_edges] = True edges = rng.permutation(edges).reshape(num_latent - 1, num_meas - num_latent) biadj[1:][:, num_latent:] = edges nonpure_children = biadj[:, num_latent:] biadj[:, num_latent:] = rng.permuted(nonpure_children, axis=0) # change child order, so pure children aren't first biadj = rng.permutation(biadj, axis=1) else: """Generate minMCM from Erdős–Rényi random undirected graph over observed variables.""" if num_latent != 0: msg = "`num_latent` can only be specified when `one_pure_child==True`." raise ValueError(msg) udg = np.zeros((num_meas, num_meas), bool) max_edges = (num_meas * (num_meas - 1)) // 2 num_edges = np.round(density * max_edges).astype(int) edges = np.ones(max_edges) edges[num_edges:] = 0 udg[np.triu_indices(num_meas, k=1)] = rng.permutation(edges) udg += udg.T np.fill_diagonal(udg, True) # find latent connections (minimum edge clique cover) biadj = find_clique_min_cover(udg).astype(bool) return biadj
_biadj = biadj