Citing ====== If you make use of the ``MeDIL`` package or associated theory, please cite the relevant subset of the following papers: The UAI paper :cite:`Markham_2020_UAI` provides basic definitions and first results for MeDIL causal models. .. code-block:: bibtex @Article{Markham_2020_UAI, author = {Alex Markham and Moritz Grosse-Wentrup}, title = {Measurement Dependence Inducing Latent Causal Models}, year = 2020, issn = {2640-3498}, url = {}, journal = {Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)}, publisher = {PMLR} } The PGM software demonstration :cite:`Markham_2020_PGM` is specifically associated with the ``MeDIL`` Python package. .. code-block:: bibtex @Article{Markham_2020_PGM, author = {Alex Markham and Aditya Chivukula and Moritz Grosse-Wentrup}, title = {MeDIL: A Python Package for Causal Modelling}, year = 2020, issn = {2640-3498}, journal = {International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM) Software Demonstration}, publisher = {PMLR} } The arXiv preprint :cite:`markham2023neuro` further develops the MeDIL causal model framework, more explicitly connects it to factor analysis, and extends the framework to a deep generative model. .. code-block:: bibtex @misc{markham2023neuro, author = {Alex Markham and Mingyu Liu and Bryon Aragam and Liam Solus}, title = {Neuro-Causal Factor Analysis}, year = 2023, note = {preprint, arXiv:2305.19802 [stat.ML]}, url = {} }