Source code for medil.ecc_algorithms

"""Implementations of edge clique clover finding algorithms."""
import subprocess, os, shutil
from collections import deque

import numpy as np

from .graph import UndirectedDependenceGraph

[docs] def find_clique_min_cover(graph, verbose=False): """Returns the clique-minimum edge clique cover. Parameters ---------- graph : np.array Adjacency matrix for undirected graph. verbose : bool, optional Wether or not to print verbose output. Returns ------- the_cover: np.array Biadjacency matrix representing edge clique cover. See Also -------- graph.UndirectedDependenceGraph : Defines auxilliary data structure and reduction rules used by this algorithm. Notes ----- This is an implementation of the algorithm described in :cite:`Gramm_2009`. """ graph = UndirectedDependenceGraph(graph, verbose) try: graph.make_aux() except ValueError: print("The input graph doesn't appear to have any edges!") return graph.adj_matrix num_cliques = 1 the_cover = None if True: # verbose: # find bound for cliques in solution max_intersect_num = graph.num_vertices**2 // 4 if max_intersect_num < graph.num_edges: p = graph.n_choose_2(graph.num_vertices) - graph.num_edges t = int(np.sqrt(p)) max_intersect_num = p + t if p > 0 else 1 print("solution has at most {} cliques.".format(max_intersect_num)) while the_cover is None: if True: # verbose: print( "\ntesting for solutions with {}/{} cliques".format( num_cliques, max_intersect_num ) ) the_cover = branch(graph, num_cliques, the_cover, iteration=0, iteration_max=3) num_cliques += 1 return add_isolated_verts(the_cover)
[docs] def branch(graph, k_num_cliques, the_cover, iteration, iteration_max): """Helper function for `find_clique_min_cover()`. Describing the solution search space as a tree. This function tests whether the given node is a solution, and it branches if not. Parameters ---------- graph : UndirectedDependenceGraph() Class for representing undirected graph and auxilliary data used in edge clique cover algorithm. k_num_cliques : int Current depth of search; number of cliques in cover being testet for solution. the_cover : np.array Biadjacency matrix representing (possibly partial) edge clique cover. iteration: current iteration iteration_max: maximum number of iteration_max Returns ------- 2d numpy array or None Biadjacency matrix representing (complete) edge clique cover or None if cover is only partial. """ iteration = iteration + 1 branch_graph = graph.reducible_copy() # if the_cover is not None: # print(the_cover) # for clique in the_cover: # this might not be necessary, since the_cover_prime is only +1 clique # print('clique: {}'.format(clique)) # branch_graph.the_cover = [clique] # branch_graph.cover_edges() # only works one clique at a time, or on a list of edges branch_graph.the_cover = the_cover branch_graph.cover_edges() if branch_graph.num_edges == 0: return branch_graph.reconstruct_cover(the_cover) # branch_graph.the_cover = the_cover branch_graph.reduzieren(k_num_cliques) k_num_cliques = branch_graph.k_num_cliques if k_num_cliques < 0: return None if branch_graph.num_edges == 0: # equiv to len(branch_graph.extant_edges_idx)==0 return ( branch_graph.the_cover ) # not in paper, but speeds it up slightly; or rather return None? chosen_nbrhood = branch_graph.choose_nbrhood() # print("num cliques: {}".format(len([x for x in max_cliques(chosen_nbrhood)]))) for clique_nodes in max_cliques(chosen_nbrhood): if len(clique_nodes) == 1: # then this vert has been rmed; quirk of max_cliques continue clique = np.zeros(branch_graph.unreduced.num_vertices, dtype=int) clique[clique_nodes] = 1 union = ( clique.reshape(1, -1) if branch_graph.the_cover is None else np.vstack((branch_graph.the_cover, clique)) ) # print(iteration) if iteration > iteration_max: return branch_graph.the_cover the_cover_prime = branch( branch_graph, k_num_cliques - 1, union, iteration, iteration_max=iteration_max, ) if the_cover_prime is not None: return the_cover_prime return None
[docs] def max_cliques(nbrhood): """Adaptation of NetworkX code for finding all maximal cliques. Parameters ---------- nbrhood : np.array Adjacency matrix for undirected (sub)graph. Returns ------- generator set of all maximal cliques Notes ----- Pieced together from nx.from_numpy_array and nx.find_cliques, which is output sensitive. """ if len(nbrhood) == 0: return # convert adjacency matrix to nx style graph adj = { u: {v for v in np.nonzero(nbrhood[u])[0] if v != u} for u in range(len(nbrhood)) } Q = [None] subg = set(range(len(nbrhood))) cand = set(range(len(nbrhood))) u = max(subg, key=lambda u: len(cand & adj[u])) ext_u = cand - adj[u] stack = [] try: while True: if ext_u: q = ext_u.pop() cand.remove(q) Q[-1] = q adj_q = adj[q] subg_q = subg & adj_q if not subg_q: yield Q[:] else: cand_q = cand & adj_q if cand_q: stack.append((subg, cand, ext_u)) Q.append(None) subg = subg_q cand = cand_q u = max(subg, key=lambda u: len(cand & adj[u])) ext_u = cand - adj[u] else: Q.pop() subg, cand, ext_u = stack.pop() except IndexError: pass
# note: max_cliques is a generator, so it's consumed after being # looped through once
[docs] def add_isolated_verts(cover): cover = cover.astype(bool) iso_vert_idx = np.flatnonzero(cover.sum(0) == 0) num_rows = len(iso_vert_idx) num_cols = cover.shape[1] iso_vert_cover = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols), bool) iso_vert_cover[np.arange(num_rows), iso_vert_idx] = True return np.vstack((cover, iso_vert_cover))
[docs] def find_heuristic_1pc(graph): num_meas = len(graph) # nx_graph = nx.from_numpy_array(graph) # indep_set = # list(nx.approximation.maximum_independent_set(nx_graph)) indep_sets = max_cliques(np.logical_not(graph)) max_indep_set = next(indep_sets) for indep_set in indep_sets: if len(indep_set) > len(max_indep_set): max_indep_set = indep_set num_latents = len(max_indep_set) the_cover = np.zeros((num_latents, num_meas), bool) the_cover[np.arange(num_latents), max_indep_set] = True for idx, node in enumerate(max_indep_set): nbrs = np.flatnonzero(graph[node]) the_cover[idx, nbrs] = True uncovered_edges = deque( { edge for edge in np.argwhere(np.triu(graph, 1)) if not np.logical_and(the_cover[:, edge[0]], the_cover[:, edge[1]]).any() } ) while bool(uncovered_edges): u, v = uncovered_edges.popleft() if the_cover[:, u].any(): the_cover[np.argmax(the_cover[:, u]), v] = True elif the_cover[:, v].any(): the_cover[np.argmax(the_cover[:, v]), u] = True else: uncovered_edges.append((u, v)) recon = the_cover.T @ the_cover if np.logical_not(graph <= recon).any(): raise Exception(f"Problem with `find_hueristic_1pc()` for input {graph}") return the_cover