
medil.ecc_algorithms.branch(graph, k_num_cliques, the_cover, iteration, iteration_max)[source]

Helper function for find_clique_min_cover().

Describing the solution search space as a tree. This function tests whether the given node is a solution, and it branches if not.

  • graph (UndirectedDependenceGraph()) – Class for representing undirected graph and auxilliary data used in edge clique cover algorithm.

  • k_num_cliques (int) – Current depth of search; number of cliques in cover being testet for solution.

  • the_cover (np.array) – Biadjacency matrix representing (possibly partial) edge clique cover.

  • iteration (current iteration)

  • iteration_max (maximum number of iteration_max)


Biadjacency matrix representing (complete) edge clique cover or None if cover is only partial.

Return type:

2d numpy array or None