Source code for medil.models

"""MeDIL causal model base class and a preconfigured NCFA class."""

from datetime import datetime
import os
from pathlib import Path
import pickle
import warnings

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng
import numpy.typing as npt
from scipy.linalg import norm
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler as sc
import torch
from import DataLoader, TensorDataset

from .ecc_algorithms import find_heuristic_1pc
from .independence_testing import estimate_UDG
from .vae import VariationalAutoencoder

[docs] class MedilCausalModel(object): """Base class using principle of polymorphism to establish common interface for derived parametric estimators. """
[docs] def __init__( self, biadj: npt.NDArray = np.array([]), udg: npt.NDArray = np.array([]), one_pure_child: bool = True, rng=default_rng(0), ) -> None: self.biadj = biadj self.udg = udg self.one_pure_child = one_pure_child self.rng = rng
[docs] def fit(self, dataset: npt.NDArray) -> "MedilCausalModel": raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sample(self, sample_size: int) -> npt.NDArray: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class Parameters(object): "Different parameterizations of MeDIL causal Models."
[docs] def __init__(self, parameterization: str) -> None: self.parameterization = parameterization if parameterization == "Gaussian": self.error_means = np.array([]) self.error_variances = np.array([]) self.biadj_weights = np.array([]) elif parameterization == "VAE": raise NotImplementedError
def __str__(self) -> str: return "\n".join( f"parameters.{attr}: {val}" for attr, val in vars(self).items() )
[docs] class GaussianMCM(MedilCausalModel): """A linear MeDIL causal model with Gaussian random variables."""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.parameters = Parameters("Gaussian")
[docs] def fit(self, dataset: npt.NDArray) -> "GaussianMCM": """Fit a Gaussian MCM to a dataset with constraint-based structure learning and least squares parameter estimation.""" self.dataset = dataset if self.biadj.size == 0: self._compute_biadj() self.parameters.error_means = self.dataset.mean(0) cov = np.cov(self.dataset, rowvar=False) num_weights = self.biadj.sum() num_err_vars = self.biadj.shape[1] def _objective(weights_and_err_vars): weights = weights_and_err_vars[:num_weights] err_vars = weights_and_err_vars[num_weights:] biadj_weights = np.zeros_like(self.biadj, float) biadj_weights[self.biadj] = weights return ( (cov - biadj_weights.T @ biadj_weights - np.diagflat(err_vars)) ** 2 ).sum() result = minimize(_objective, np.ones(num_weights + num_err_vars)) if not result.success: warnings.warn(f"Optimization failed: {result.message}") self.parameters.error_variances = result.x[num_weights:] self.parameters.biadj_weights = np.zeros_like(self.biadj, float) self.parameters.biadj_weights[self.biadj] = result.x[:num_weights] return self
def _compute_biadj(self): """Constraint-based structure learning.""" if self.udg.size == 0: self._estimate_udg() self.biadj = find_heuristic_1pc(self.udg) def _estimate_udg(self): """Constraint-based structure learning.""" samp_size = len(self.dataset) cov = np.cov(self.dataset, rowvar=False) corr = np.corrcoef(self.dataset, rowvar=False) inner_numerator = 1 - cov * corr # should never be <= 0? inner_numerator = inner_numerator.clip(min=0.00001) inner_numerator[np.tril_indices_from(inner_numerator)] = 1 udg_triu = np.log(inner_numerator) < (-np.log(samp_size) / samp_size) udg = udg_triu + udg_triu.T self.udg = udg
[docs] def sample(self, sample_size: int) -> npt.NDArray: """Sample a dataset from a GaussianMCM, after structure and parameters have been specified or estimated.""" num_latent = len(self.biadj) latent_sample = self.rng.multivariate_normal( np.zeros(num_latent), np.eye(num_latent), sample_size ) error_sample = self.rng.multivariate_normal( self.parameters.error_means, np.diagflat(self.parameters.error_variances), sample_size, ) sample = latent_sample @ self.parameters.biadj_weights + error_sample return sample
[docs] class NeuroCausalFactorAnalysis(MedilCausalModel): """A MeDIL causal model represented by a deep generative model."""
[docs] def __init__( self, seed: int = 0, dof: int = 0, path: str = "trained_ncfa/", verbose: bool = False, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) Path(path).mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.path = path self.verbose = verbose self.seed = seed self.hyperparams = { "heuristic": True, "method": "xicor", "alpha": 0.05, "dof": dof, "batch_size": 128, "num_epochs": 200, "lr": 0.005, "beta": 1, "num_valid": 1000, } self.parameters = Parameters("vae") self.device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
[docs] def log(self, entry: str) -> None: time_stamped_entry = f"{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} {entry}" with open(f"{self.path}training.log", "a") as log_file: log_file.write(time_stamped_entry + "\n") if self.verbose: print(time_stamped_entry)
[docs] def fit(self, dataset: npt.NDArray) -> "NeuroCausalFactorAnalysis": self.dataset = dataset self.doffed = self.assign_dof() standardized = sc().fit_transform(dataset) train_split, valid_split = train_test_split( standardized, train_size=0.7, random_state=self.seed ) train_loader = self._data_loader(train_split) valid_loader = self._data_loader(valid_split) np.random.seed(self.seed) model_recon, loss_recon, error_recon = self._train_vae( train_loader, valid_loader ), os.path.join(self.path, "")) with open(os.path.join(self.path, "loss_recon.pkl"), "wb") as handle: pickle.dump(loss_recon, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) with open(os.path.join(self.path, "error_recon.pkl"), "wb") as handle: pickle.dump(error_recon, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return self
[docs] def assign_dof(self) -> npt.NDArray: """Assign degrees of freedom (latent variables) of VAE to latent factors from causal structure learning. """ if self.biadj.size == 0: self._compute_biadj() num_cliques, num_meas = self.biadj.shape if self.hyperparams["dof"] == 0: # then default to 3x num_meas overcomplete self.dof = num_meas * 3 elif self.dof < num_cliques: warnings.warn( f"Input `deg_of_freedom={self.dof}` is less than the {num_cliques} required for the estimated causal structure. `deg_of_freedom` increased to {num_cliques} to compensate." ) self.dof = num_cliques latents_per_clique = np.ones(num_cliques, int) * (self.dof // num_cliques) for _ in range(2): remainder = self.dof - latents_per_clique.sum() latents_per_clique[np.argsort(latents_per_clique)[0:remainder]] += 1 redundant_biadj_mat = np.repeat(self.biadj, latents_per_clique, axis=0) return redundant_biadj_mat
def _compute_biadj(self): if self.udg.size == 0: self._estimate_udg() self.biadj = find_heuristic_1pc(self.udg) def _estimate_udg(self): self.udg, pvals = estimate_UDG( self.dataset, method=self.hyperparams["method"], significance_level=self.hyperparams["alpha"], ) def _data_loader(self, sample): sample_x = sample.astype(np.float32) sample_z = np.empty(shape=(sample_x.shape[0], 0)).astype(np.float32) dataset = TensorDataset(torch.tensor(sample_x), torch.tensor(sample_z)) data_loader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=self.hyperparams["batch_size"], shuffle=False ) return data_loader def _train_vae(self, train_loader, valid_loader): """Training VAE with the specified image dataset :param m: dimension of the latent variable :param n: dimension of the observed variable :param train_loader: training image dataset loader :param valid_loader: validation image dataset loader :param biadj_mat: the adjacency matrix of the directed graph :param seed: random seed for the experiments :return: trained model and training loss history """ m, n = self.doffed.shape # building VAE mask = self.doffed.T.astype("float32") mask = torch.tensor(mask).to(self.device) model = VariationalAutoencoder(m, n, mask) model = optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW( model.parameters(), lr=self.hyperparams["lr"], weight_decay=1e-5 ) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, 50, gamma=0.90) num_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad) self.log(f"Number of parameters: {num_params}") # training loop model.train() train_elbo, train_error = [], [] valid_elbo, valid_error = [], [] for idx in range(self.hyperparams["num_epochs"]): self.log(f"Training on epoch {idx}...") train_lb, train_er, nbatch = 0.0, 0.0, 0 for x_batch, _ in train_loader: batch_size = x_batch.shape[0] x_batch = recon_batch, logcov_batch, mu_batch, logvar_batch = model(x_batch) loss = self._elbo_gaussian( x_batch, recon_batch, logcov_batch, mu_batch, logvar_batch, self.hyperparams["beta"], ) error = self._recon_error( x_batch, recon_batch, logcov_batch, weighted=False ) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() # update loss and nbatch train_lb += loss.item() / batch_size train_er += error.item() / batch_size nbatch += 1 # finish training epoch scheduler.step() train_lb = train_lb / nbatch train_er = train_er / nbatch train_elbo.append(train_lb) train_error.append(train_er) self.log(f"Finish training epoch {idx} with loss {train_lb}") # append validation loss valid_lb, valid_er = self._valid_vae(model, valid_loader) valid_elbo.append(valid_lb) valid_error.append(valid_er) train_elbo, train_error = np.array(train_elbo), np.array(train_error) valid_elbo, valid_error = np.array(valid_elbo), np.array(valid_error) elbo = [train_elbo, valid_elbo] error = [train_error, valid_error] return model, elbo, error def _valid_vae(self, model, valid_loader): """Training VAE with the specified image dataset :param model: trained VAE model :param valid_loader: validation image dataset loader :return: validation loss """ # set to evaluation mode model.eval() valid_lb, valid_er, nbatch = 0.0, 0.0, 0 for x_batch, _ in valid_loader: with torch.no_grad(): batch_size = x_batch.shape[0] x_batch = recon_batch, logcov_batch, mu_batch, logvar_batch = model(x_batch) loss = self._elbo_gaussian( x_batch, recon_batch, logcov_batch, mu_batch, logvar_batch, self.hyperparams["beta"], ) error = self._recon_error( x_batch, recon_batch, logcov_batch, weighted=False ) # update loss and nbatch valid_lb += loss.item() / batch_size valid_er += error.item() / batch_size nbatch += 1 # report validation loss valid_lb = valid_lb / nbatch valid_er = valid_er / nbatch self.log(f"Finish validation with loss {valid_lb}") return valid_lb, valid_er def _elbo_gaussian(self, x, x_recon, logcov, mu, logvar, beta): """Calculating loss for variational autoencoder :param x: original image :param x_recon: reconstruction in the output layer :param logcov: log of covariance matrix of the data distribution :param mu: mean in the fitted variational distribution :param logvar: log of the variance in the variational distribution :param beta: beta :return: reconstruction loss + KL """ # KL-divergence # # # kl_div = -0.5 * torch.sum(1 + logvar - mu.pow(2) - logvar.exp()) # reconstruction loss cov = torch.exp(logcov) cov = self._apply_along_axis(torch.diag, cov, axis=0) cov = cov.mean(axis=0) diff = x - x_recon recon_loss = torch.sum( torch.det(cov) + torch.diagonal(, torch.inverse(cov)), torch.transpose(diff, 0, 1) ) ) ).mul(-1 / 2) # elbo loss = -beta * kl_div + recon_loss return -loss def _recon_error(self, x, x_recon, logcov, weighted): """Reconstruction error given x and x_recon :param x: original image :param x_recon: reconstruction in the output layer :param logcov: covariance matrix of the data distribution :param weighted: whether to use weighted reconstruction Returns ------- error: reconstruction error """ # reconstruction loss cov = torch.exp(logcov) cov = self._apply_along_axis(torch.diag, cov, axis=0) cov = cov.mean(axis=0) diff = x - x_recon if weighted: error = torch.sum( torch.det(cov) + torch.diagonal(, torch.inverse(cov)), torch.transpose(diff, 0, 1) ) ) ).mul(-1 / 2) else: error = torch.linalg.norm(diff, ord=2) return error @staticmethod def _apply_along_axis(function, x, axis=0): """Helper function to return along a particular axis Parameters ---------- function: function to be applied x: data axis: axis to apply the function Returns ------- The output applied to the axis """ return torch.stack( [function(x_i) for x_i in torch.unbind(x, dim=axis)], dim=axis )
# implement penalized mle and penalized lse with a new class
[docs] class DevMedil(MedilCausalModel):
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.init_W = None
# penalized MLE
[docs] def fit_penalized_mle( self, dataset: npt.NDArray, lambda_reg: float = 0.1, mu_reg: float = 0.1, ) -> "DevMedil": num_meas = dataset.shape[1] if self.one_pure_child: num_latent = num_meas else: num_latent = (num_meas**2) // 4 Sigma_hat = np.cov(dataset.T) def penalized_mle_loss(W_and_D): W = W_and_D[: num_latent * num_meas].reshape(num_latent, num_meas) D = np.diag(W_and_D[num_latent * num_meas :]) Sigma = self.compute_sigma(W, D) Sigma_inv = np.linalg.inv(Sigma) sign, logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(Sigma_inv) if sign <= 0: return np.inf loss = np.trace(, Sigma_inv)) - sign * logdet loss += lambda_reg * self.rho(W) + mu_reg * self.sigma(W) return loss initial_W = ( self.rng.standard_normal((num_latent, num_meas)) if self.init_W is None else self.init_W ) initial_D = self.rng.random(num_meas) initial_W_and_D = np.hstack([initial_W.flatten(), initial_D]) result = minimize(penalized_mle_loss, initial_W_and_D, method="BFGS") self.result = result self.W_hat = result.x[: num_latent * num_meas].reshape(num_latent, num_meas) self.D_hat = np.diag(result.x[num_latent * num_meas :]) self.convergence_success_mle = result.success self.convergence_message_mle = result.message return self
[docs] def validation_mle(self, lambda_reg, mu_reg, data): W = self.W_hat D = self.D_hat Sigma_hat = np.cov(data, rowvar=False) Sigma = self.compute_sigma(W, D) Sigma_inv = np.linalg.inv(Sigma) sign, logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(Sigma_inv) if sign <= 0: return np.inf loss = np.trace(, Sigma_inv)) - sign * logdet loss += lambda_reg * self.rho(W) + mu_reg * self.sigma(W) return loss
# penalized LSE
[docs] def fit_penalized_lse( self, dataset: npt.NDArray, lambda_reg: float = 0.1, mu_reg: float = 0.1, ) -> "DevMedil": num_meas = dataset.shape[1] if self.one_pure_child: num_latent = num_meas else: num_latent = (num_meas**2) // 4 Sigma_hat = np.cov(dataset.T) def penalized_lse_loss(W_and_D): W = W_and_D[: num_latent * num_meas].reshape(num_latent, num_meas) D = np.diag(W_and_D[num_latent * num_meas :]) loss = norm(Sigma_hat - W.T @ W - D, "fro") ** 2 # nuclear norm for the first penalty term loss += lambda_reg * self.rho(W) # L1 norm for the second penalty function loss += mu_reg * self.sigma(W) return loss initial_W = self.rng.standard_normal((num_latent, num_meas)) initial_D = np.abs(self.rng.standard_normal(num_meas)) initial_params = np.concatenate([initial_W.flatten(), initial_D]) result = minimize(penalized_lse_loss, initial_params, method="BFGS") self.result = result self.W_hat = result.x[: num_latent * num_meas].reshape(num_latent, num_meas) self.D_hat = np.diag(np.abs(result.x[num_latent * num_meas :])) self.convergence_success_lse = result.success self.convergence_message_lse = result.message return self
[docs] def validation_lse(self, lambda_reg, mu_reg, data): W = self.W_hat D = self.D_hat Sigma_hat = np.cov(data, rowvar=False) loss = norm(Sigma_hat - W.T @ W - D, "fro") ** 2 loss += lambda_reg * self.rho(W) loss += mu_reg * self.sigma(W) return loss
# compute sigma
[docs] def compute_sigma(self, W: npt.NDArray, D: npt.NDArray) -> npt.NDArray: Sigma =, W) + D return Sigma
# ρ(W)
[docs] def rho(self, W: npt.NDArray) -> float: return norm(W, "nuc")
# σ(W), the sum of absolute values of elements (L1 norm)
[docs] def sigma(self, W: npt.NDArray) -> float: return np.sum(np.abs(W))
[docs] def sample(self, sample_size: int, method: str = "mle") -> npt.NDArray: if method not in ["mle", "lse"]: raise ValueError("Method must be either 'mle' or 'lse'") if method == "mle": if not hasattr(self, "W_hat_mle") or not hasattr(self, "D_hat_mle"): raise ValueError("MLE model must be fitted before sampling") W_hat, D_hat = self.W_hat_mle, self.D_hat_mle else: if not hasattr(self, "W_hat_lse") or not hasattr(self, "D_hat_lse"): raise ValueError("LSE model must be fitted before sampling") W_hat, D_hat = self.W_hat_lse, self.D_hat_lse k, n = W_hat.shape L = self.rng.standard_normal((sample_size, k)) epsilon = self.rng.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(n), D_hat, sample_size) return, W_hat) + epsilon
[docs] def fit( self, dataset: npt.NDArray, method: str = "mle", lambda_reg=0.1, mu_reg=0.1 ) -> "DevMedil": if method == "mle": return self.fit_penalized_mle(dataset, lambda_reg, mu_reg) elif method == "lse": return self.fit_penalized_lse(dataset, lambda_reg, mu_reg) else: raise ValueError("Method must be either 'mle' or 'lse'")